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Tree Reskue

Our professional team prides itself by being able to offer additional treatments outside of pest and disease control.  The long-term health of a tree and shrub can be can be put in major jeopardy by poor soil, drought or limited growing space. Rapidly-growing trees and shrubs can be unsustainable in the interest of one's property.  Many homeowners may underestimate the space required for sustaining mature trees, especially if their roots have limited space to grow and gather nutrients. Many tree lovers may also under-estimate how much water a tree requires as it ages.

Tree Reskue System

Our solution is to apply multiple different prescriptions for your plants to improve the long-term health and longevity of trees and shrubs. Utilizing Leaf & Lake's Tree Reskue Watering System, these prescriptions can be added easily and effectively every time your tree is watered. Proper watering of your trees is vital during times of drought, the medicine a tree receives will not be effective unless combined with watering.


The Tree Reskue Watering System serves to transport water directly to the roots of your tree, allowing you to water a tree with 95% reduced water waste! Using a hose to water a tree results in significant runoff, wasting water and money to water a tree. Additionally, water must soak through 8 inches of soil before reaching the roots of a tree while also competing with turf grass.


Tree Reskue delivers water directly to the roots, bypassing the roots of grass that steal water needed for trees. Save money, time and your trees by ordering the system from Leaf and Lake Consulting!

Root injector

Products used with Tree Reskue

Trees and plants need more than just water! At Leaf and Lake Consulting, we've developed a group of core medicines and plant health products that can be added to your Tree Reskue System. These products offer more comprehensive and specific relief from many of the ailments that can effect your precious trees, shrubs and gardens. Give your plants the help they need!

Plant Health Builders

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